You can buy almost anything at the Farmer’s Market…

Some of the best food I have had thus far, has got to be at the Farmer’s Markets or Night Markets. They are a little different. Farmer’s Markets sell produce, fresh fish, cooked meals and snacks, fresh fruit smoothies and some dry goods. Night Markets offer a larger variety of the Farmer’s Market plus they have clothing, massages, jewelry, and are generally much bigger.

There is a cute little Farmer’s Market near our place, just a 5 minute ride on the scooter down some seriously scary, curvy roads. I still refuse to drive the scooter myself.

This is more of an evening market, as the night progresses, more vendors show up. So, coming at 2 or 3pm, there are very few options, so you buy what you can.

Its exciting to buy ingredients you are unaware of, like Forrest Gump’s mother said, “Life is like a box of chocolates…” and we definitely don’t always know what we get! Even if we think we do!

Most recent purchase, was some sour bamboo. I thought I was buying coconut water and meat in a bag.. I get home to drink the goodness and it smells.. like chemicals. I taste it… eww… was that soap? Okay, what is this!!??

After some researching, and mainly just posting a picture on FB and waiting for a wise soul to respond (Thanks Sherry!), I get a response! Apparently they were pickled, but not a pickle flavor I have ever tasted. Well, I cooked a curry with the sour bamboo, an onion, fresh basil, and salmon, and it turned out pretty good! But, since it was my first attempt, I think I must have overcooked the bamboo.. they weren’t sour at all and really had taken on the curry flavor. Oh, well, you live and you learn! Next time will be better.

But the Phad Thai at the Farmer’s Market! So, so, to die for! YUM!

Also, the rice noodles. So fresh, so easy for a lunch snack! Just boil some water, pour a little over the noodles, move the water around so the noodles get warm, only a few seconds, and dump the water. Now you have warm noodles, and cover them with anything you like.. I prefer fresh cucumbers, something pickled from the market and some other random veggies, maybe a bit of  fish or an egg roll!

The food here has definitely been some of my favorite, ever. So, doesn’t seem like Im going to get in much shape here, food is way too good! Cheers!