From a series with Gregor Elgee
That daredevil inside us all.
The neighbor that eavesdrops on your conversations, giggling like a maniac at what seems to be deafening silence. But they are not alone. They are in a busy world, surrounded by smells, tastes, and sounds that can keep company like no other can.
Enticing the senses and awakening the imagination, you tap into a world familiar, but maybe distant…
Although it may sound frightening, solo travel has been the most exhilarating feeling I have experienced.
For me, the greatest aspect of solo travel is never having to compromise with anyone’s plans but your own.
You are the boss.
You can change your mind at a seconds notice, without having to console anyone or take a vote.
This January I flew to Maui. I landed, grabbed my rental car and headed for the beach immediately. First sand spotted, I made a U-turn and parked it. Lucky for me, this spot had local turtles that were beached and sunning. A great welcome for this solo trip, made possible because I followed my senses and desire for the beach.
The second best part of solo travel is that you will see each place through a completely different lens.
When traveling solo, you open yourself up physically to the world. There are no friends to rely on, distract with, or be annoyed by. You start to notice the little things; people’s happiness from the sites around them, or the distractions of technology, the old man sitting by himself, or the birds flying above your head. You will start to notice things differently. And through these observations, you may start to see the world in a different light.
You may also meet someone new. Make a friend for life, a pen pal or a future love.
It is through being alone that you find others that vibrate as you do.
Through my solo adventures over the last few years, I have made friends and connections with people from Florence, Italy, to Austin,Texas, New York and Hawaii.
But the best part is when you meet and connect with these people, you open both sides of the relationship to new cities, new adventures and a family across the globe or country. You grow your circle. You grow yourself. You grow our global community.

And making even more new friends for life, here is Allison! Us making a trip to meet up in Verona after meeting in Florence.
The third greatest aspect of solo travel may not be on everyones list, but it has to be near the top of mine; you will grow.
When I was traveling through Italy, I remember starting in Rome and of course wanting to see some of the most historical and touristy spots. But, while walking through Ancient Rome, I got hungry. I was also almost done with seeing the sites and just had to power through the discomfort until I got out to grab a gelato.
Point is, if I would have had a buddy, we might have allowed ourselves to leaves sooner or concentrate on the hunger more than necessary. Instead, I said nothing, I was by myself.
I took my mind elsewhere, and realized how much strength and control I have.
This was one of the best lessons.
For those embarking on a new way of travel, solo treks came help stretch your wings.
Its like you end up dating yourself. Taking yourself out on a romantic stroll.
Getting to know yourself better and maybe noticing a little wonder you may have missed on your daily routine.
That is when this new normality becomes your new reality.
Have confidence in You. Trust the journey and trust yourself; wherever you are, is where you are meant to be!
The most beautiful end to any trek, is to reach a destination you didn’t know existed before you began.
Thanks for reading! Have you traveled some where solo lately? Let me know below!
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