Female travelers explore the nooks and crannies of one of the most famous market places in the world.

Where are you from?

I totally forgot this popular question, as it was often used in Bali and is also a common question in Turkey. Unfortunately, it’s NOT for making small talk, getting to know another better or to be kind. It’s actually very much business. In many countries,…

The Reason for My Silence

I know it has been a long time since I have written, as I have been “hibernating” in my personal blogging journey ever since my return from a month around Europe last September. This was the most incredible journey. When I realized the freedom I…

Backpacking Europe 2016 First Stop: Milano

I don’t know why people always hate on Milan so much. But I’ll be completely honest, because of this, I wasn’t expecting much either. I also didn’t expect to be so sad to leave it after a very enjoyable 25 hours. Call it nostalgia, but…

The Soloist

  That daredevil inside us all. The neighbor that eavesdrops on your conversations, giggling like a maniac at what seems to be deafening silence. But they are not alone. They are in a busy world, surrounded by smells, tastes, and sounds that can keep company like no other…

Manifestations: When Daydreams Turn Real

I had heard people talk about manifesting everything from husbands to free manicures. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. So, unintentionally, I had been manifesting this for half the summer. There was this unexplainable desire to be on the Oregon coast….

How We (Almost) Got Robbed in Costa Rica

While traveling there are some things I have come to realize. Inherent goodness is heavily present in the world, even if we notice the evil too. And you can trust strangers more than our parents taught us. Well, that is, until you can’t… This was the case…