Female travelers explore the nooks and crannies of one of the most famous market places in the world.

Where are you from?

I totally forgot this popular question, as it was often used in Bali and is also a common question in Turkey. Unfortunately, it’s NOT for making small talk, getting to know another better or to be kind. It’s actually very much business. In many countries,…

Get Lost, Find Friends on Taboga Island, Part II

After attempting a shortcut, possibly long forgotten on the island of Taboga, I decided there had to be another way to ascend to the Crosses. I back tracked, and chose to hike the normal way, or perhaps, the backward way. Along this route I ran into…

“Bridge of the world, heart of the universe.”

Welcome to Panama! “Bridge of the world, heart of the universe.” This is a well-known saying here. With the erection of the Panama Canal over 100 years ago, it truly is the bridge that connects worlds apart, with quicker access, saving over 8,000 miles of…

The beauty of Bali

Before its too late, I must write about Seminyak and Ubud, polar opposite paradises in the magic of Indonesia. We had flown into Bali from Phuket, Thailand. One difference we noticed right away was that everyone wore helmets on scooters, versus the 50-75% of locals that…

Lost in Bathroom Translation

So, in many places in the world, there isn’t toilet paper in the stall. Often you have to pay for it. Or, its placed outside the stall probably to discourage overuse. We were out and I went to use the ladies room, which had an…

Blessings from Thailand!

Last Sunday Karim and I were blessed by a Buddhist monk at the Wat Chalong Temple. We arrived to a building next to a statue of a Buddha and some animals around him, reminded me of a Thai version of Noah’s Ark scene… The first…